Throughout the ages…

mortals thought their need for the most excellent of eyewear designs to be fulfilled. For what more could be done with an object that barely covers half of one’s face?  But not even the keenest of seers has true clairvoyance to peer into the future.

Now, forged atop the highest peak of Italy’s Cadore Mountains by the world’s finest artisans comes forth an eyewear brand humanity has never seen.

for those who rock,

for those who are metal, or even for those who don’t rock but thought about it that one time their friend took them to a Metallica concert, comes a new way.  For it has been too long where the sight of spectacles inspires not a single head bang.  We proudly inform you that these dark ages have now met their end.

With décor inspired by the gothic artistry and attitude of pure, unadulterated rock it is with great pleasure that we introduce to you the eyewear of SCREAM.

Forged in Excellence.

Whilst the quest of Scream Eyewear is to proffer humankind the world’s first true ROCK collection, it is with great care that we bring forth this treasure. 

For Scream to bring forth the most metal of vision experiences we must first provide the most flawless of quality.  Made in our Italy based factory, the intricate castings that grace our designs must be made in a clean room environment to ensure perfection and further require meticulous attention to detail during polishing.

They must be further treated with extra layers of galvanic and specifically placed enamel to realize their brilliance.  Only craftsmen of the highest skill are entrusted with this process. Failure would result in the loss of our spellbinding nuance, at which point we must cast the wasted materials into Dragonfire, alongside those who hath proven themselves unworthy of a keeper of the Scream Eyewear seal.

As the finest swords are made from the finest steel,

the finest eyewear is made with the finest acetate. ‘Tis with this wisdom that Scream exclusively uses Mazzucchelli acetate, known to provide as excellent a product as a mortal would have the privilege of placing upon their face.  An extensive production process culminates with hand polishing each frame to ensure perfection. The quality and time our smiths put in provides greater durability, greater luster, and a superior chance of survival in a mosh pit.

Choose Wisely

The Guardian

Them Bones

Hear the Inspiration